Professional Pages
Dr. Uday Kiran Nori is an expert in Mathematical Analysis. His is interested in diverse fields of mathematical analysis that include microlocal analysis, functional analysis and algebraic analysis. He uses these methods to study the behaviour of differential equations and to analyse medical images. He is actively involved in research work along with full-time teaching duties. He also loves teaching students the art of problem solving through puzzles, games and anecdotes.
He completed his masters and doctorate degrees from the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Prasanthi Nilayam. He is currently the Associate Head, Dept. of Mathematics & Computer Science, Prasanthi Nilayam Campus, SSSIHL.
Areas of Teaching
Functional Analysis, Differential Geometry, Partial Differential Equations, Abstract Algebra with SAGE Programming
Problem Solving Paradigms, Design of Algorithms and Python Programming
Research Interests
His research interest is in the investigation of mathematical objects such as differential equations, polynomials and digital images through functional, symplectic and algebraic methods. Broadly, his research areas include Microlocal Analysis, Algebraic Analysis, Commutative Algebra, Pseudo-Differential Calculus, Symplectic Geometry and Machine Learning.
Current Ph.D. Supervision
Sri Rahul Chanchal (Study of Dynamical Zeta Functions via Microlocal Analysis))
Sri Sathyanarayan Narayan (Gauss Sums and Generating Functions associated with Periodic Sequences)
Sri Udvas Acharjee (Generalizations of Ramanujan Sums and its Applications)
Sri Nagalapalli Pavan Kumar (Partial Differential Equations)
Project Grants
Research Project titled “A Commutative Algebraic Approach to Generating Functions” under DST-SERB MATRICS.