Professional Pages
Dr. Kurma Rao Tyada has been working on Fractal Geometry and Applications. His research background in Ordinary Differential Equations and Numerical Approximation has given him experience in most real-world applications and a vast background in interpolation and approximation methods and techniques. He is actively involving in research work apart from his full-time teaching duties.
He graduated from Andhra University in 2006 with a B. Sc. (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry). and M.Sc. in Pure Mathematics in 2008. He then got his Ph.D. degree from Indian Institute of Technology Madras in 2018. He joined SSSIHL in 2017.
Areas of Teaching
Real Analysis, Complex Analysis, Calculus, Number Theory, Differential Equations
Research Interests
Fractal Interpolation: Theory, Methods and Applications, Shape preserving fractal interpolation curve/surfaces, analytical properties, applications of fractals in dynamical systems, Interpolation and approximation theory, mathematical modeling, mathematical biology, mathematical ecology, complex analysis, Bezier Curves, Wavelet Theory, and structure/unstructured data analysis and applications in other scientific and engineering fields.
Current Ph.D. Supervision
Sri Abhishek Kumar Sharma (Fractal Analysis & Applications)