“Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating Research (AWSAR)” has been an initiative by Department of Science and Technology (DST) that aims to disseminate Indian research stories among the masses in an easy to understand and interesting format to a common man.
SSSIHL Research Fellow’s Popular Science Story Wins an AWSAR Award

In order to bridge the yawning communication gap that exists at the science-society interface, Ph.D. Scholars and Post-Doctoral Fellows (PDFs) in Science and Technology (S&T) streams are encouraged to write popular science articles and to participate in a national competition. DST had received overwhelming responses from various research labs in the country, capturing and revealing the message of science in an easy-to-understand but at the same time interesting format, to connect with the masses.

In this background, Sri Seemesh Bhaskar, DST-Inspire Research Fellow, STAR Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning has been selected to the award, winning a prize of ₹10,000/- along with a Certificate of Appreciation. A panel consisting of eminent science communicators and scientists, constituted by DST, has evaluated the entries. It is a proud moment that, in more than 5000+ participants, Sri Seemesh Bhaskar has secured a position within the top 100 for his popular science story entitled “Unity in Diversity- a Moonshot to Disruptive Innovations”, transliterated on the recently published* article: ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12, 30, 34323–34336. The award ceremony was streamed live on YouTube, Facebook, and India Science websites on National Science Day, February 28th, 2021.
For more on the Award: https://www.awsar-dst.in/results-2020
*Read the Paper: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsami.0c07515

SSSIHL DFNS Team Bags I and II Prizes at the International Diabetes Summit 2021
The Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences (DFNS), SSSIHL, won the first and second prizes for Basic Research Category at the 5th International Diabetes Summit (Virtual) – 2021, organised by the Chellaram Diabetes Institute, Pune, from 12th to 14th March 2021. This event hosted the best-in-class experts in the field of diabetes from leading national and global diabetes institutions and had over 5000 participants.

The first prize was awarded to Prof. B. Andallu, an honorary faculty at DFNS, for her presentation on “Antihyperglycemic, antioxidant and cataract retardation effects of mulberry (Morus indica L.) leaves in STZ-diabetic rats“. Her research paper brought out the therapeutic benefits of mulberry in the amelioration of diabetic complications. The award included a certificate and prize money of Rupees One Lakh.

The second prize was awarded to Ms. Ashrita C. Haldipur, doctoral research scholar from DFNS, working under the supervision of Dr. N. Srividya, Head and Associate Professor, DFNS. Her research paper entitled “Glucose regulatory Indian red rice genotypes for diabetes management: Metabolomic, in vitro and in vivo validation”, addressed the dietary challenge faced by the rice-eating population world over suffering from diabetes using advanced and modern research methods.

Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (SSSIHL) congratulates Prof. B. Andallu and Ms. Ashrita C. Haldipur for their achievement and making the University proud with their wonderful work.
Research Scholar Honoured by ARCI, DST – Bags First Prize
Ms. Sai Kiran M, a doctoral research scholar with Department of Chemistry, SSSIHL, Anantapur won the first prize for her talk entitled “Self- assembled PVA -Based for Effective Defluoridation of Ground Water”* at the Science Technology Innovation Talks (STIN 2021) event, streamed on a virtual platform on 25-26 February 2021.

Organized by the International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy & New Materials (ARCI), Hyderabad to commemorate the Golden Jubilee celebrations of the Department of Science and Technology (DST) on National Science Day, Young Research Fellows from across India were invited to present their research work in the form of a 3-minute presentation in the area of Material Science and Engineering at STIN 2021.
A total of 68 shortlisted participants from premier Institutes like IIScs, IITs, CSIR labs, and Central universities presented their work on 25 February, 2021 to a panel of eminent professors and senior scientists, who chose the winners based on the novelty, scientific and technical content and their relevance to societal needs.

Ms. Sai Kiran was awarded the first prize for her presentation which included prize money of 10,000 INR and a Certificate of Appreciation signed by the Chairman of the Organizing committee Dr. P.K Jain and the Director ARCI,
Dr. G. Padmanabham.
Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (SSSIHL) congratulates Ms. Sai Kiran for the above-mentioned recognition and for making the University proud.

* Reference: Mani, Sai Kiran, Rajni Bhandari, and Anita Nehra. “Self-assembled cylindrical Zr (IV), Fe (III) and Cu (II) impregnated polyvinyl alcohol-based hydrogel beads for real-time application in fluoride removal.” Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 610 (2021): 125751. DOI:10.1016/j.colsurfa.2020.127571
Read the Paper: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0927775720313443?via%3Dihub
Also view a news report published in 02, March 2021 Hyderabad edition of The Hindu: https://bit.ly/3soGPlj
World Diabetes Day 2020
Every year, 14 November is marked as World Diabetes Day to coincide with the birthday of Sir Frederick Banting, who co-discovered insulin along with Charles Best in 1922.
The Dept. of Food & Nutritional Sciences, SSSIHL conducted a one-day webinar on 14 November 2020 led by Dr. V Mohan, Chairman and Chief of Diabetology, Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre, Chennai. Dr. Mohan is also Member, Board of Trustees, Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, Prasanthi Nilayam. He is ranked among the 2% Scientists in the world and #1 Scientist in India in the field of Endocrinology and Metabolism by the Stanford University Global Ranking.
The topic of the webinar was: Are carbohydrates the main reason for the diabetes epidemic in India?
The session began with the welcome address by Dr. N Srividya, Head, Dept. of Food & Nutritional Sciences, SSSIHL, followed by an introduction by Prof. (Dr.) C B Sanjeevi, Vice Chancellor, SSSIHL.
Dr. Mohan, in his talk, elaborated about the correlation between carbohydrates and diabetes with scientific evidence. The highlights of his talk include: a revealing historical account of the increase in prevalence of diabetes in India, a holistic approach of restricting carbohydrate intake, adding sufficient protein and good fats to prevent diabetes, suitable alternatives to white rice, importance of physical activity etc.
Following the talk, a very interesting and informative question and answer session shed light on various queries of the audience.
#SSSIHLFoodNutritionalSciences #SSSIHL

National Nutrition Month Celebrations 2020
In line with the National Nutrition Month Celebrations 2020, the Dept. of Food & Nutritional Sciences, SSSIHL conducted an International e-conference on Nutritional and Health Interventions for Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Scenarios on 26-27 Sep 2020. The event included a Pre-conference webinar on 25 Sep 2020, Nutri-health Gardens–Sustainable Models for Food and Nutritional Security.
The event saw leading experts from various fields of health and nutrition bring together a plethora of scientific data and guidance on the current COVID-19 pandemic, as well as other expert advice.
Videos of each session are included below.
Inaugural Session: Intermittent Fasting – Is it for Diabetics?
Prof. (Dr.) C B Sanjeevi, Vice Chancellor, SSSIHL
The importance of intermittent fasting, ways of practicing it and precautions to be taken during altered metabolic conditions. His talk was interspersed with the latest and relevant scientific evidence and Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s message on fasting.
Session 1A: Challenges of COVID-19: Building Resilience in Youth
Dr. Parvathi U. Iyer, Director, Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care, Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, New Delhi
Major highlights on the ways to reduce the pandemic risk, its impact on the life of youth and empowering the youth with resilience.
Session 1B: Impact of Vitamin D status on COVID
Dr. Sunil Menon, Functional Medicine Expert, UK
Awareness of the inter-relationship between Vitamin D status of individuals and incidence of COVID-19 infection through scientific evidence and case studies. The talk discussed the health issues and infections linked with Vitamin D deficiency, its role in immune modulation and the optimization of Vitamin D levels during COVID-19 scenario.
Session 2A: Systems Approach of Ayurveda for Immune Protection
Dr. Savitri B Vasudev, Scientific Officer, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, Dept. of Cardiology, Whitefield, and Ayurveda Practitioner, Pune
Cordial action needed for the maintenance of good health and also addresses the actions to be taken to reduce the virulence of the disease and to stop recurrence. Madam also brings forth the various ayurvedic strategies to complement innate immunity and the necessary ways to strengthen the acquired immunity.
PSession 2B: Battling Food Insecurity in the Pandemic and Role of Safety Net Programs
Manjula Malladi M.S., Assistant WIC/Chief Nutritionist, WIC Program, Dept. of Health, New JerseyThe impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on food security and the possible effects on physical and mental health due to the lack of healthy and hygienic food. The various food programs and services provided to different sectors of the population in the United States. The adaptations made to the programs during pandemic to ensure food security of the population
Session 2C: Nutrition and Immune Function: Its relevance to COVID
Dr. B Sesikeran, former Director, National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad
The impact of nutrition and lifestyle on innate and adaptive immunity. The role of nutrition from traditional Indian diets in enhancing immunity. The effect of ageing, obesity, gut microbiome on immunity, new predictors of inflammation, beneficial effects of intermittent fasting, role of micro and macro-nutrients in mitigating inflammation. Addressing discerning false claims, long-term consequences of COVID and emphasized on the need for urgent action.
Session 3A: Ayurvedic Diet and Lifestyle: A Holistic Intervention for Pandemic and Beyond
Dr. D Jayashree, Ayurvedic Physician and CEO, Shree Ayurvedic Multispecialty Hospital Pvt. Ltd., ChennaiThe perfect blend of Ayurvedic diet and regimen and its impact on one’s health, general preventive guidelines based on Ayurveda and the measures to promote immunity. Simple tips to prevent COVID-19 like nasyam, dhoop fumigation, yoga and dhanvantri mantra. Ways to keep up health by balancing the doshas, sequence of eating, fasting as a health maintenance tool and regimens during fever.
Session 3B: COVID-19: Doctor’s Experience on Treatment and Recommendations for Wellness
Dr. Meera Muruganandan, MD, Dept. of Emergency Medicine, Boston University, BMC, Boston, USA
Various COVID-19 pandemic treatments and the necessary recommendations for managing stress and wellness. Timeline of COVID cases incidence, clinical presentation, risk factors, challenges faced in treatment as well as social challenges.
Session 3C: Feeding Options for the Elderly in COVID Scenario: The Sky’s the Limit
Ms. Aparna Marthi, Clinical Nutrition Manager, Lutheran Care Centre, Concord Village, New York, USA
Evidence showing the importance of the oral nutrition supplements, enteral nutrition, and its impact on gut health and an overview on parenteral nutrition.

S G Sundaraswamy Memorial Lecture 2020
The S G Sundaraswamy Memorial Lecture is an annual endowment lecture at Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (SSSIHL) instituted in honour of late Sri S G Sundaraswamy—a doyen of the legal profession in Bengaluru and an ardent devotee of Bhagawan Baba—by his son, Sri S S Naganand, Trustee, Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (Public Charitable Trust), Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust and Sri Sathya Sai Media Foundation.
The 2020 (online) lecture on 22 September, on the topic, Inspiring Innovation, was delivered by Lieutenant General (Dr.) Madhuri Kanitkar, AVSM, VSM, a highly decorated serving General Officer in the Indian Army.
She is only the third woman in the Indian Armed Forces to be promoted to a Three-star rank, and currently serves as the Deputy Chief of Integrated Defence Staff (Medical) under the Chief of Defence Staff. The Gen. Officer has been nominated to the PM-Science and Technology Innovation Advisory Committee and Board of Governors of the Medical Council of India in October 2018 and July 2019.
#SSSIHL #SSSIHLIntegralEducation

The Spirit(-ual) of Life in Literature: Characters of Resilience
The Dept. of English Language & Literature presented an online webinar series – the first of its kind at the University – Lit-Treat: Webinar Series on Life, Language & Literature on 17 and 18 August, 2020.
The series invited a number of speakers, from luminaries in the Sai Organization to experts in English Literature, to address topics related to the title of the webinar series: The Spirit(-ual) of Life in Literature: Characters of Resilience.
Videos of each session are included below.
Plenary Talk – Job: Trials & Resilience
Sri K Chakravarthi (IAS Retd.), Chancellor, SSSIHL
Dwelling on the theme of the webinar – resilience – by drawing illustrations from the characters of Job from the Book of Ezekiel, and Satya Harishchandra from the Markandeya Purana, the talk highlights that the truly faithful ones can never be tempted to curse God or their fate despite unjustifiable tribulations that they are put through.
Academic Talk: Greying Characters of Mounting Spirit
Dr. B Venkata Ramana, Asst. Professor, Dept. of English Language & Literature, SSSIHL
The talk explores the characters of William Shakespeare as the springboard to discuss the theme of the webinar. Quoting copiously from Shakespearean plays, he evidences how aging characters display a mounting spirit because of their experience and wisdom.
Conversation: Characters of Resilience in Hardy and Hugo
Dr. Vivek Chauhan and Dr. Aruna Kumar Behera, Associate Professors, Dept. of English Language & Literature, SSSIHL
Conversation on two great literary classics: The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy & Les Miserable by Victor Hugo. The protagonists of both the novels, Michael Henchard and Jean Valjean respectively, are discussed as tragic heroes exhibiting extraordinary resilience.
Plenary Talk: Finding Resilience
Dr. Samuel H Sandweiss, MD
The talk addresses the topic of inner-resilience drawing from the speaker’s rich experience as a psychiatrist and as a devotee of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. He confirms love for and of God as an essential element for developing inner resilience.
Plenary Talk: Spiritual Nationalism Expounded by Indian Sages
Sri S Gurumurthy, Editor, Thuglak, Prolific writer, Chairman (Vivekananda International Foundation), Director (RBI Central Board)
Conversation: ‘Scholar Gipsy’ as a Symbol of Spiritual Growth in Arnold & Murdoch
Dr. Maitali Khanna in conversation with Dr. Dibba Bhargavi, Asst. Professors, Dept. of English Language & Literature, SSSIHL
An insightful presentation on the works of Matthew Arnold and Iris Murdoch.
Valedictory Remarks
Prof. (Dr.) C B Sanjeevi, Vice Chancellor, SSSIHL