22 November 2021 Press Releases
Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning Celebrates its 40th Annual Convocation
Puttaparthi, 22 November 2021: Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (SSSIHL) (Deemed to be University) held its 40th Annual Convocation in the Poornachandra Auditorium, Prasanthi Nilayam, Andhra Pradesh in the Divine Presence on 22 November 2021 at 9:10 a.m. The grand ceremony saw the Honourable Chancellor, Sri K Chakravarthi, IAS (Retd.), admit candidates to their degrees....Read More19 November 2021 Press Releases
40th Annual Convocation of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning to be Held on 22 Nov, 2021
Puttaparthi, 18 November 2021: Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (SSSIHL) (Deemed to be University) will hold its 40th Annual Convocation at Poornachandra Auditorium, Prasanthi Nilayam, Andhra Pradesh in the Divine Presence of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on Monday, 22 November 2021 at 9:10 a.m. Hon’ble Mr. Justice N.V. Ramana, Chief Justice of India is the Chief...Read MoreImpact of Mode of Administration on the Scores from Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS)
Identifying the Issue EPDS is a validated screening tool used in the assessment of perinatal depression (PND) Responders answer EPDS questions differently due to PND associated stigma depending on the mode of administration This study evaluates the differences in EPDS scores used for assessment of PND over a span of 9 months Objective of the Research Assessment of the difference in...Read MoreWood-based Sensor for Post-COVID Lung Health Monitoring (Indo-Aus-US collaboration)
Identifying the Issue Number of reports has suggested symptoms of dyspnea, an indication of impaired lung function with reduced diffusion capacity post SARS-CoV-2 infection Need for a more reliable and accurate oxygen monitoring device that can complement pulse oximetry in the remote management of COVID-19 recovered individuals Objective of the Research Monitoring of O2 uptake in...Read MoreInnovative Engineering of Sorets on Photonic Crystal to Augment Sensing Technologies
Dr. Sai Sathish Ramamurthy (STAR Lab, SSSIHL) in a trilateral collaboration with Dr. Chandramouli Subramaniam (Nanostructured Material Lab, IIT-Bombay) and Dr. Shivakiran Bhaktha (Photonic Systems Laboratory, IIT-Kharagpur) has published a new paper in Nanophotonics (Walter de Gruyter publication) demonstrating unusual ‘photoplasmonic’ effects (as they call it in the article) with the...Read MoreDFNS Alumna Wins a Certificate of Best Performer for Her Paper on the Shelf-life Studies of Quinoa Flour
Ms. Avanthika K, an alumna of the SSSIHL DFNS, Anantapur, received the ‘Certificate of Best Performer’ for her paper titled “Development and Shelf-life Studies of Quinoa Flour Enriched Gluten-free Cookies” presented at the ‘Innovation in Food Processing and Nutritional Sciences’ virtual conference organised by the Department of Food Processing Technology, AMET University,...Read MoreSTAR Lab Research Scholar Awarded the Prestigious Dr. K. V. Rao Scientific Society (KVRSS) Research Award 2021
Sri Seemesh Bhaskar, DST-Inspire SRF, SSSIHL, was awarded the Prestigious Dr. K. V. Rao Scientific Society Research Award 2021 at a ceremony held online. Seemesh, won the Bhoutikam Runners-up award in the Physics category, for his innovative research explorations performed at STAR Lab, CRIF, Dept. of Chemistry, SSSIHL on the topic “Hybrid Soret Nano-assembly for Ultrasensitive Surface...Read More22 September 2021 Press Releases