Advancing Cancer Treatment: Introducing Promising Benzopyrylium Salts
Identifying the Issue Commonly used anti-cancer drugs come with the side-effects Need for better drugs to cure cancer Objective of the Research To synthesize benzopyrylium salts with potent anti-cancer activity. To revolutionize cancer treatment by developing potent drugs that minimize side effects. Specifically, we’re focusing on benzopyrylium salts, compounds showing...Read More14 May 2024 Academic, Integral Education, News
Exploring Innovation and Entrepreneurship in English Studies: A Report on the Inaugural Orientation Event
The inaugural event of the orientation program series, “Innovation and Entrepreneurship in English Studies,” was jointly organized by the Department of Languages and Literature – English, Anantapur Campus, SSSIHL, in collaboration with the Institution’s Innovation Council. The event began with an invocatory vedam followed by the welcome address delivered by a student...Read More14 May 2024 Academic, Integral Education, News
Prof. (Hon.) B. Andallu Honoured with ‘Excellence in Life Science Samman’ by the Sidvi Foundation
Professor (Honorary) B. Andallu, distinguished faculty member of the Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences (DFNS) at the Anantapur Campus of SSSIHL, was recently bestowed with the prestigious ‘Excellence in Life Science Samman’ by the Sidvi Foundation. This esteemed recognition was conferred upon her during the ‘Puraskar for Avishkar’ international award...Read MoreExploring Shodh-Chakra: A Guide for Researchers – Training Program Summary
On April 18th, 2024, the Central Library of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (SSSIHL), in collaboration with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), hosted a training session titled “Exploring Shodh-Chakra: A Guide for Researchers.” Dr. Abhishek Kumar, Scientist-E (CS) from the INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar (Gujarat), and Mrs. Vaishnavi Ambade Project...Read More11 May 2024 Integral Education, News