The International Women’s Day, an annual worldwide focal point in the movement for women’s rights, was celebrated by students of Anantapur Campus (the women’s only campus at SSSIHL), Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning.

International Women’s Day 2020

The programme (highlighting the 2020 theme of Each for Equal) commenced with the description of the history of International Women’s Day followed by a role play, where students presented the lives and contribution of iconic women of Vedic, medieval and modern ages. The roles played included Gargi, Draupadi, Savithri, Jhansi Rani, Wangari Mathai, Kiron Bedi, Ophra Winfrey, Muniba Mazari, Malala and Kalpana Chawla.

They highlighted the struggles, turmoil, pain and sleepless nights these women had on their path to glory, which were overcome by their indomitable spirit, resolute courage and determined willpower.
A video presentation on Hellen Keller and Marie Curie was followed by Bhagawan Baba’s Discourse on ‘Women in Society’.
#InternationalWomensDay #EachforEqual #SSSIHL