Miss Manjula D Ghoora and Miss Ashrita C Haldipur, Doctoral Research Scholars, under the guidance of Dr. N Srividya, Associate Professor and Head, Dept. of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, have been researching sustainable food-based approaches to address micronutrient malnutrition.

IAEA Conference Presentation, Vienna

The group received funding from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to present their work on micronutrient-dense microgreens and indigenous pigmented rice varieties as viable eco-friendly dietary alternatives in the management of this pertinent problem at the International Symposium on ‘Double burden of malnutrition’, a tri-agency initiative of WHO, UNICEF and IAEA at Vienna, Austria.

Abstract links in the IAEA website:
#SSSIHLResearch #SSSIHL #SSSIHLFoodNutritionalSciences