The Department of Language and Literature comprises English Language & Literature, Telugu Language & Literature, Sanskrit and Hindi.
English Language & Literature is a service department as well as a core department which runs five courses across the four campuses of the University. As a service department, the compulsory General English Course and the second language Additional English Courses are run by the Department. As a core department, it offers B.A. (Advanced English), M.A. in English Language & Literature, as well as full-time and part-time research.
The compulsory General English Course for all the undergraduate students, caters to heterogeneous groups of students from all over the country. At any given point in time, the Campuses have students who speak 25-27 different languages as their mother tongues. This multi ethnicity challenges the English language faculty because of multiple MTI (Mother Tongue Interferences) which hinder Second-Language Learning (SLL). Also, there are varied entry levels, due to the differing academic standards of different state boards, CBSE, ICSE, etc., which make the students’ language abilities very unequal, in comparison with having a class of students from the same regional/ state boards. This challenge is adequately met with using new techniques, effective pedagogic practices, and a state-of-the-art language laboratory. The oral component of the Course seeks to ensure that the theoretical study of the language is translated into an effective tool for communication at all levels.
Additional English is offered in lieu of a second language for students who do not know any one of the regional languages offered – Hindi, Sanskrit, Telugu, Kannada, etc. The prose and poetry pieces chosen for the course enhance an understanding of life through literature, and also ensure a higher level language use that goes beyond mere communication, to expressions of human experience.
Advanced English is a core undergraduate course for B.A. students who opt it as one of the subject options in Humanities. This course offers an in-depth study of English and other literatures in English in a genre-wise format. The final semester of the course gives the students an exposure to Applied English Studies, Basic Linguistics & Phonetics, Practising Literary Theory, etc.
M.A. in English Language & Literature is a postgraduate course for women that includes a chronological study of British Literature from Chaucer to the post-modern writings. The very comprehensive course includes other literatures like Indian writing in English, Commonwealth/American Literature, Comparative Literature, European Classics in Translation etc. Language papers deal with Advanced Writing Skills, Advanced Linguistics and Stylistics, and ELT. An attractive feature of this course is the interdisciplinary papers that explore Literature and Science, Literature and Psychology, Literature and Popular Culture, etc. Dissertations and Projects form a crucial part of the M.A. programme that trains students in research skills.
A Ph.D. in English Language & Literature is offered to women students and part-time for faculty members, in both literary studies as well as applied linguistics.
Telugu Language & Literature, Sanskrit and Hindi are offered to students as additional Language in the first four semesters for all the Undergraduate programmes.
- To develop an awareness of the principles and strategies that underline effective academic and professional communication
- To sharpen the LSRW Skills in every undergraduate student of the University
- To train students to achieve an acceptable level of transactional English in speech and writing
- To equip the students with all the required apparatus for the appreciation of various kinds of imaginative writing in English literature, and to train their critical taste and judgement so as to enable them to arrive at an estimate of a given work of art
- To use the literary text as a pretext to unravel the deeper mysteries and meanings of the human condition and predicament
- To relate ‘art experiences’ to ‘life experiences’, and to draw from this exercise valuable moral lessons that would help the scholars to become morally empowered individuals
Programmes Offered
M.A. in English Language & Literature
The Department has access to the Central Library, INFLIBNET subscription, the campus library that stocks nearly 8000 books in English Language & Literature, internet-enabled Computer Centres of the Campus and Multimedia facilities across all SSSIHL campuses.
The Centre for Development of Communication Skills at the Anantapur Campus for women is a 44-seater advanced Language Laboratory that runs on Robotel Symposium SmartClass platform. High quality software like Tense Buster, Study-Skills Success etc., from Clarity U.K., provides the basic material for language learning.
Achievements & Participation 2019/20
Dr. Aruna Kumar Behera
Conferred IRDP Group of Journals’ Award for Teaching, Research and Publications, Chennai, 23 Feb, 2020
Nominated by Management Teachers Consortium Global (MTC Global), for Distinguished Teacher Award, English, 2020.
Miss Sai Archana M
Paper Presentation on Quality of Higher Education and Vocational Preparedness: Bridging the Divide Higher Education in India, Central University of Andhra Pradesh, Anantapur, 11 Nov 2019.
Paper Presentation, National Conference on Changing Classroom Factors: Teachers, Learners and Instructional Environment, English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, 6-7 Jan 2020.
Attended a webinar on Academic Research Methodology, Publication and Ethics, AICTE and Elsevier, 28 Apr 2020.
Dr. (Miss) P L Rani
Attended a symposium on Multiple Perspectives on English Language, Literatures and Theories, Osmania University Centre for International Programme (OUCIP), Hyderabad, 28 Dec 2019.
Dr. (Miss) Dibba Bhargavi, Dr. (Mrs.) Maitali Khanna, Dr. (Miss) Nelli Vani Sri
Attended a symposium on Multiple Perspectives on English Language, Literatures and Theories, Osmania University Centre for International Programme (OUCIP), Hyderabad, 28 Dec 2019.
Miss S Lakshmi Menon
Attended an Elsevier Webinar on Improving Research Planning Skills, Technical Institute, 28 Apr 2020.
Attended a webinar on Future Learners Need Learning Strategies, Cambridge Online Experience, Asia, 20 May 2020.
Dr. (Miss) P L Rani, Dr. Aruna Kumar Behera, Dr. (Miss) Dibba Bhargavi, Dr. (Mrs.) Maitali Khanna, Dr. (Ms.) Vijaya Lekshmi R, Miss Sai Archana M
Attended the Times Litfest Bengaluru, Jayamahal Palace, Bengaluru, 8-9 Feb 2020.
Doctoral Research Scholars
Achievements & Participation 2019/20
Miss Umadevi V S
Completed a 12-week National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) Online Certificate course, Indian Fiction in English, conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras.
Achievements 2019/20
Projects & Dissertations
Listed below are the postgraduate and professional programme projects and dissertations for the academic year 2018/19:
SSSIHL Projects & Dissertations – 2019/20 – M.A. in English Language & Literature
National Examinations
A high percentage of SSSIHL postgraduate students qualified in national exams such as the GATE/JEST or the CSIR-UGC NET in 2019/20. The list below includes the national rank for each exam (if available):
Sairema T (English)
Research Areas
To access the Research Areas for the department, click here.
Research Publications
The faculty and doctoral research scholars at SSSIHL actively contribute to a wide range of publications in esteemed peer-reviewed journals. A detailed department-wise list of these publications is available on the Research Publications page.
Doctoral Research Scholars
Miss Swathi Metla
Fantasy Literature
Supervisor: Prof. (Miss) Rajeshwari C Patel
Miss Priyamvada C
Comparative Poetics: Western and Sanskrit
Supervisor: Dr. (Mrs.) Maitali Khanna
Miss Ponapalli Prasanti Prabha
Postmodern British Fiction
Supervisor: Dr. (Miss) Dibba Bhargavi
Miss Umadevi V S
Supervisor: Dr. (Miss) P L Rani
Miss Sreenidhi S
Cognitive Poetics in Indian Writings in English
Supervisor: Dr. (Mrs.) Maitali Khanna
Miss Megha Santosh
Indian Writing in English, New Historicism, Trauma Studies
Supervisor: Dr. (Miss) P L Rani