Dr. S “Panch” Panchanathan
Dr. S Panchanathan to be the Director of the National Science Foundation

Dr. S Panchanathan, a devotee of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and Adjunct Faculty, Dept. of Mathematics & Computer Science, SSSIHL has been nominated as the next President of The National Science Foundation (NSF), USA by President Trump.
Dr. S Panchanathan (or “Panch”) currently serves as the Executive Vice President and the Chief Research and Innovation Officer at Arizona State University (ASU).
The NSF is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 “to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defence…” It has a directive to fund (with a budget of approximately US$ 8 Billion) almost a quarter of all federally supported basic research conducted by the United States’ colleges and universities in fields such as Mathematics, Computer Science, Economics, and the Social Sciences.
“For five years, Panchanathan has been a bold, energizing presence on the National Science Board and he was a leader in every sense of the word in the research community prior to that,” said NSF Director France Córdova in a statement. “Panch has the character and knowledge that make him an ideal fit for the job.”
“He is the best kind of disruptor, one who understands that the best way to predict the future is to invent it,” said Diane Souvaine, chair of the National Science Board in Alexandria, Virginia, in a statement.

M.B.A. Students – Industrial Visits (Men) – 2019
A unique aspect of the SSSIHL MBA programme is to determine how the management concepts learnt in the classroom can be applied to help alleviate some of the problems that the villagers of India face in their daily lives.
On 18 December 2019, the I MBA students (Prasanthi Nilayam Campus) visited villages in the Anekal Taluk of Karnataka adopted by Srinivasan Services Trust (SST), the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) arm of the TVS Group.
The TVS Group has partnered with the Bosch India Foundation to enable the transformation of 5000 rural communities and urban slums by empowering people to achieve sustainable development. To this end, it has committed (at least) 2% of its yearly net profits.

Students were privy to several programmes during their visit. Some of these included the Dress Craft and embroidery design programme (which helps village folks sell their products with decent margins in the marketplace), the Self-Employment Training Programme (a three-month course for women aimed to give them financial independence by becoming entrepreneurs) and the ‘Balwadi’ programme, designed for the upkeep, education and engagement of children.

They experienced firsthand how these villages are growing in stature, the standard of living and confidence. It made them realize how we can make such a big difference in the lives of so many when we believe and take it upon ourselves to serve and give back to society.
Students also visited GE Healthcare, Times of India and TVS Motors in Bangalore, Karnataka & Hosur, Tamil Nadu, 17-18 Sep 2019.

Leadership in Challenging Times
Increasingly, in the current state-of-play, it is difficult for values-based leadership to thrive. In these challenging times, it is therefore crucial that we practise the fundamental principles of leadership.
On 17 August 2019, Mr. Gopal Rao, Managing Director (India) and Operations Manager, Landmark Education, and an alumnus of SSSIHL, conducted a one-day workshop at the Dept. of Management & Commerce, to address this.

His first observation was that whatever others throw at us, it has no impact on us unless we make it impactful. In all undertakings, more than keeping an eye on the content, it is essential to see the context, since context is the background that colours situations.
He then spoke about the importance of relationships and the human connection as a measure of the quality of one’s life. He stressed on the importance of listening as a paramount component of communication. Sadly, he said, we engage with the speaker who talks to us through agreeing or disagreeing, only to confirm our own point of view. This hinders the achievement of meaningful communication.

The most noteworthy issue that Mr. Gopal Rao touched upon was integrity. He described integrity as the state of being whole, complete and unimpaired, which is created in us when we honour our word given to ourselves and others. He said we must be willing to see that an incomplete task — even if it was left unfinished for a good excuse — is still a task not done and we must be willing to take ownership for it being so.

Finally, he encouraged students to follow three fundamental principles:
- First, if they wish to play the game (i.e., make the best of their studies here), they must decide to accept and align with every rule of the Institute.
- Secondly, they must live up to the values that define them as students of SSSIHL and identify themselves with them. They must be willing to be responsible for them.
- Thirdly, students must keep the promises that they make to themselves and others. They need to be true to themselves. “Your word is you” he quipped, “not anything else. So keep it!”
“Mastery” he added, “is being above what is occurring automatically.”

M.B.A. Students – Industrial Visits (Women) – 2019
A unique aspect of the SSSIHL M.B.A. programme is to determine how the management concepts learnt in the classroom can be applied to help alleviate some of the problems that the villagers of India face in their daily lives.
Similar to the trip that the M.B.A. men students made, the I M.B.A. women students visited Anekal, Karnataka and Bangalore, 15-16 Dec 2019. The organizations visited included the Sai Vishram Business Hotel and Srinivasan Services Trust (SST). The trip included villages adopted by SST for inclusive development.

On 29 December, 2019, students also visited the Rural development and self-employment Training Institute (RUDSETI), Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh.
Thought and Task – The Connect
Teachers at the Anantapur Campus, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning conducted a workshop for researchers and students, Vantage Point – Thought and Task: The Connect, that stressed on the importance of fostering good research approaches, the proper use of information and tools on how to effectively communicate in this increasingly digital world.
Dr. P L Rani, Associate Professor and Head, Dept. of English Language & Literature spoke on fostering intellectual discipline and focus in the current world of “infobesity” (Excessive availability of information), to achieve relevance and authentication.

Dr. (Miss) U Suma, Associate Professor, Dept. of Management & Commerce said that qualitative research such as positionality, epistemological, personal & critical reflexivity and reciprocity were linked to openness, introspection, empathy, objectivity, and deep enquiry. She also encouraged researchers to pursue research with an attitude of gratitude.
Miss Sai Archana M, Teaching Asst, Dept. of English Language & Literature, spoke on the importance of communication and stressed upon qualities like problem solving, critical thinking, decision making, self-management and continuous updation for better employment opportunities.

SSSIHL Annual Convocation – 2019
Official Event Press Release
The official media release for the event can be downloaded here.
22 November 2019
I hereby solemnly declare and promise that, I will in my daily life and conversation, and in thought, word and deed, conduct myself as befits a member of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. I will to the utmost of my capacity and opportunity, support the cause of sound learning, humanity, morality and spirituality. As far as lies in me, I shall uphold and advance the social and indeed all round welfare of my countrymen and fellowmen.
Convocation Oath
Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning

Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (SSSIHL) (Deemed to be University) held its 38th Annual Convocation at Sai Kulwant Hall, Prasanthi Nilayam, Andhra Pradesh in the Divine Presence on 22 November 2019 at 3:20 p.m.
The grand ceremony saw the Honourable Chancellor, Sri K Chakravarthi, IAS (Retd.), admit 470 candidates to their degrees. This included 277 undergraduate, 97 postgraduate, 86 professional and 10 Ph.D. awardees.
SSSIHL was honoured to have Dr. G Satheesh Reddy, Secretary, Department of Defence R&D, Government of India, Chairman, Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Director General, Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA), as the chief guest for the event.
The ceremonial procession was led by the University brass band, two students carrying the University Standards on either side of the Registrar (who carried the Ceremonial Mace). Other members of the procession included the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Deans and the Heads of Departments along with the Chief Guest, members of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust and the Board of Management.
Following the invocatory veda chanting, the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. K B R Varma prayed to the Revered Founder Chancellor to declare the convocation open. The Convocation was then declared open in the Divine voice of Bhagawan Baba.
The programme included speeches by the Vice-Chancellor, the Chief Guest and the Revered Founder Chancellor (video broadcast of a previous Convocation Address).

Ph.D. Awardees 2019/20
Sri Hari N – Physics
Design and fabrication of low-cost Optical Coherence Tomography instruments with novel features towards aiding in medical diagnostics
Sri Sadhu Sai Pavan Prashanth – Physics
Investigations into the Structural, Dielectric, Piezoelectric, Ferroelectric and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Ba0.85Ca0.15Zr0.1Ti0.9O3 in Different Configurations
Sri Muralikrishna Molli – Physics
Nonlinear Optical Absorption Characteristics of Metal Selenides
Sri Gannavarapu Krishna Prasad – Chemistry
Synthesis of Bio-nanocomposites for Applications in Electrochemical Energy Storage, Sensing and Catalysis
Sri Chelli Sai Manohar – Chemistry
Synthetic and in silico strategies for designing drugs, probing sensing mechanisms and optimizing novel HA-BCZT piezo-materials for bone regeneration
Sri Aiyer Kartik Satyanarayan – Biosciences
Assessing Microbial Electron Transfer Activity and Biofilm Formation for Wastewater Treatment in Microbial Fuel Cells
Sri Girish T N – Biosciences
Thermal and Humidity Stress Adaptations of Select Drosophila Species Endemic to Indian Tropics
Sri Rajabushan Jagadish Nayak – Economics
Fiscal Consolidation and Sustainable Public Debt: A Case Study of India
Miss Nelli Vani Sri – English Literature
Text and Subtext: A Study of Select Plays of Ivan Turgenev and Anton Chekhov
Sri Siddhartha R – English Literature
From the Colonial to the Carnival: A Study of the Trajectory of Indian Cricket from the Post-Colonial and the Bakhtinian Perspectives.

All-Round Gold Medallists 2019/20
- Maddireddy Meghana (Anantapur Campus – Master of Business Administration)
- R Sai Naveen (Prasanthi Nilayam Campus – Master of Business Administration)
- Ramavarapu Sathya Sai Aditya (Brindavan Campus – Bachelor of Commerce (Honours))
- Chikkam Sai Phani Kumar (Muddenahalli Campus – Bachelor of Business Administration)

Gold Medallists 2019/20
- Manasali Sai Kumar (Master of Business Administration)
- Varshaneya V (Master of Technology in Computer Science)
- Shyam Sundar B (Master of Technology in Optoelectronics and Communications)
- Pradyumna M (Master of Science in Mathematics)
- K Karthik Subramaniam (Master of Science in Biosciences)
- Hariharan M (Master of Science in Chemistry)
- J Kaushik (Master of Science in Physics)
- Sai Shravan N (Master of Arts in Economics)
- T R Sai Natarajan (Integrated Master of Computer Applications)
- Sasanpuri Maniram Santosh (Bachelor of Business Administration)
- Boddu Raghu Veera Saikumar (Bachelor of Commerce (Honours))
- Majeti VSSS Durgesh (Bachelor of Computer Applications)
- Debashis Parida (Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physics)
- Jashobanta Behera (Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biosciences)
- Palla Juneswari (Bachelor of Education)
- Kavugoli Shraddha Mohan (Master of Science in Food and Nutritional Sciences)
- Gayathri V R (Bachelor of Science in Food and Nutritional Sciences)
- Soumya Yellai (Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics)
- Haritha Ramann (Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Chemistry)
- Mathumitha R (Bachelor of Arts)

Annual Convocation Drama
Each year on the day of the Annual convocation, students of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning put together a drama presentation in the Divine Presence. This year, the drama, titled Hum Chalein teri Roshani se, explored the grey areas of major decision points all of us face in life. The ones that ask us to choose between what is right and what is wrong.
The drama explored this juxtaposition perfectly through the context of a consulting firm where one person’s principles helped pave the way for right choices of many a fellow journeyman. This person, Roshan Damodar Salve, an investment banker at FinVest Ltd., time and again chose gratitude over gratification by refusing to give in to the expectations of the crowd and pave his own reality, vested in his inner truth.
It highlighted the fact that If our heart knows how to act in a situation and we must choose the right path, we will garner the courage, the right mindset and channelize the inner wisdom that will lead us on the path of dharma or right action.
Perhaps it’s time we truly honour the age-old adage: the only way to lead is by example. If we do that, we never know what pertinent message Roshan’s life might hold for us!
Old Age home visit – 2019
Another staple yearly service by the students of the Muddenahalli Campus is the scheduled visit to Sai Dwarakamayee Vriddhashrama, an old age home at Sultanpet, Nandi village, about four kilometres from Muddenahalli. The resident population has now swelled to about fifty residents.

After a half hour bhajan session, the students spent about an hour interacting with the aged elders, during which they sang songs and listened to the experiences of the residents. The elders too enthusiastically sang and talked to the young students. For those residents who could not come to the prayer hall, the students visited them in their living rooms. The visit taught students, especially freshers, the value of empathy and respect for elders. They were emotionally touched after listening to the stories of the elders.
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The ‘Bring Back Chitravati to its Glory’ campaign
As part of an ongoing organised effort between the University and local authorities to bring back the sacred River Chitravati to its glory, Postgraduate students of the Prasanthi Nilayam Campus have been busy at work.
In the previous session, the students cleaned parts of the ghat and yesterday, on Friday, 15 November 2019, they planted scores of trees along the Chitravati River.

Sri Vivek Kapoor, Associate Professor, Dept. of Management & Commerce, led the initiative and shepherded the fine young gentlemen through this and other similar initiatives.
The local community also got involved, including the Commissioner himself.

“This has helped me relate firsthand to the needs of the community. We experienced the theoretical aspects of our Rural Management course today,” said a student.
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Excellence at the Workplace
Increasingly, spirituality and ethics play an important role in organizations worldwide. Responsible business ethics, employee job satisfaction and a wholesome approach to individual and organizational behaviour are not just presentations in classrooms and research papers, but are being actively sought by mindful organizations.
In November, the Dept. of Management & Commerce conducted a one-day Management Development Program, Excellence @ Workplace – The Indian Ethos Way, to address some of these issues.

Led by Dr. N Sivakumar (Head of the Department) and Dr. G S Srirangarajan (Associate Professor), the programme took the participants on an introspective journey though reflection, exercises, talks and discussions on the profound messages from the ancient Indian texts and scriptures that are most relevant to current business practices and how they can be disseminated to the corporate world in a suitable manner.
From Karma Yoga to Dharma, executives from leading organizations discussed how to bring about greater engagement and satisfaction at the workplace in the process of achieving business goals.

Executives included directors, consultants and managers from Hexagon Wealth Advisors, SimplyFISoftTech India, Siemens Technology and Services, Point Analytics & Business Consulting, Future Generali India Insurance, GE Health Care, Tata Consultancy Services, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, Mentor Graphics, Al Shaya India Ltd., Capital One India, SimplyFISofTech India and Titan Company.
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Naryana Seva – 2019
Each month, food packets are distributed to the needy poor in the slums around Anantapur town. The monthly Narayana Seva activity sees a team of cooks, campus workers, rickshaw drivers and students come together to deliver 25kg of Pulihora (approximately 270-300 packets) to these marginalized citizens of society. The impact of this programme goes a long way in the lives of students. As alumni, they continue this activity, both at a large and small scale.
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