Professional Pages
Siddhartha Raju’s core interests lie in teaching prose and poetry. In 2019, he received his Doctoral degree in the area of Post-colonial literature. His other engagements at the University include coordinating the Drama presentations, music programmes and sporting events of the University.
Siddhartha completed his M.B.A from Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning in 2009. Prior to this (and after), he pursued his studies in English Literature at Loyola College, Chennai where he received his B.A. (Literature) in 2006 and M.A (Literature) in 2011. He joined SSSIHL as a faculty member in 2011. In 2016, he was awarded the Sai Krishna Award for excellence in Teaching by Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning.
Areas of Teaching
Prose, Poetry and Drama, English Grammar, Business Communication and Soft Skills
Research Interests
Post-colonial literature, Sports as Popular Culture