The Dept. of Physics is endeavoring to create individually competent, collectively compatible, and socially responsible citizens.
It offers courses that equip students with a strong foundation in the fundamentals of experimental and theoretical Physics. The curriculum provides a blend of science and technology, with appropriate theoretical and applied physics courses, as well as human values-based awareness courses.
The programmes offered are complimented by adequately equipped laboratory experiments, advanced computer simulations and programming labs, industrial visits, industry live projects as well as soft skill training.
The B.Sc. (Hons.) and M.Sc. in Physics programmes provide a platform that gives a clear edge for entry into research as well as technology-oriented programs, apart from enabling the students to excel in competitive exams.
The M.Tech. programme is unique in its content. It bridges the gap between academia and industry. The program equips the students with a strong foundation in understanding the physics and technology of modern networking and communications systems along with hands-on training.
The department participates in cutting-edge research in the following thrust areas:
- Material Science – Materials for Health, Energy and Environment
- Femtosecond Laser Micromachining for integrated optics, photonics and opto-fluidic devices
- Biomedical Imaging –design, fabrication and techniques for small area imaging using Gamma Camera (Gamma ray
- Imaging), Low-cost Optical coherence tomography techniques (interferometric imaging), and multimodal microscopy
- Fiber Optic Gyroscope
- Ultrafast Fiber Lasers
- Nuclear Spectroscopy
- Nonlinear Optics
It has several socially relevant, on-going interdisciplinary collaborative research projects in associations with other departments, hospitals, and industries.
Many of these projects are also supported by nationally reputed funding bodies like the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Naval Research Board (NRB), Department of Atomic Energy (DAE)-Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS), Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) and UGC.
- To aspire to achieve excellence in theoretical and experimental Physics
- To promote independent and original thinking that enables the students to become successful scientists, innovative technologists as well as pioneering entrepreneurs
- To create an ambience that promotes the spirit of unity, and cooperation across all disciplines of knowledge as well as across all boundaries of society.
- To pursue frontier research and develop into a center of excellence that promotes the well-being of our society, nation and ecosystem.
Programmes Offered
B.S. (Hons.) / (Hons. with Research) in Physics
M.Sc. in Physics
M.Tech. in Optoelectronics & Communications
Materials Physics
Characterization facilities
X-ray Diffractometer (PANalytical X’Pert Pro MPD)
Harman System for Thermoelectric Power Measurements
UV-Vis Spectrophotometer (SHIMADZU, UV-2450) with Integrating Sphere module
Synthesis Facilities
Planetary Ball Milling Unit (Retsch PM 100)
Laboratory Autoclave (Amar Equipment Pvt. Ltd.)
Laboratory Muffle Furnace (Delta Power Controls)
Spin Coating Unit (Delta Scientific Equipment Pvt. Ltd)
Uniaxial Pellet Pressing Unit
Photonics and Optoelectronics
Nd:YAG’s SHG /THG pumped Dye Laser
High Power Nd:YAG and Ti:Sapphire Lasers-Nanosecond and Picosecond laser system (Quanta System)
He-Ne Lasers
Spatial Light Modulators
Optical Fiber Fusion Splicer (Fujikura FSM17S)
Fiber coupled Optical Spectrometer -(Ocean Optics)
Fiber coupled narrow linewidth laser -(THORLABS)
Newport Power meter 1830 with detectors 818s and 818-IR
Yukogawa (5GHz) and many tektronix / Falcon 100 MHz DSOs
Mokulab multi instrument 200 MHz wireless DSO/Lock-in/Spectrum Analyser
Antel Optronics fast photodiodes (90 picosecond InGaAs) and APDs with power supply and driver
Antel Optronics pico and nanosecond pulsed laser diodes with driver units
Piezo Modulators
Vibration isolation tables (Newport and Holmarc)
Faraday effect set-up (Holmarc)
Electro-Optic effect Set-up (Holmarc)
Fiber optic components (2×2 couplers, splitters, FBGs, collimators, attenuators, polarisers, isolators, circulators, Polarisation controllers, SMFs,PMFs, EDFs etc)
A vast collection of optical components (lenses, mirrors, gratings, prisms etc) and opto-mechanical components. (Holmarc, Newport, THORLABS)
Many kits for teaching Digital and optical Communications (Scitech and Falcon)
Electronics and microprocessor Laboratory
DSOs/ Multimeters
Function Generators
Regulated power supplies
Arduino and Raspberry pi kits
8085 based kits
All popularly used ICs and other passive and active components (transistors/diodes/ Thyristor / Relays/ stepper motors etc.)
Many educational kits including power electronics also.
All common electronics laboratory-based accessories (Soldering, Bread boards, PCBs)
Networking Laboratory
Local Area Network (LAN) Trainer kits
CISCO Routers and Switches (including Layer three Switches) and wireless Access Points (APs) and the standard Networking Rack.
OCT Facility
In-house designed and built, low cost, camera-based FD-OCT (Fourier Domain OCT) suited or middle ear diagnostics.
Fiber Gyroscope
In-house designed fiber resonator with reflector using a single frequency narrow (300 kHz) linewidth laser for gyroscope-based research and studies.
In house designed and built, dual mode locked Erbium doped fiber laser system at 1550 nm, with custom built and automated autocorrelator for ultra-fast time dynamic studies.
Nuclear Physics
Nuclear Isotope Lab
Low energy Electron Gamma Spectroscopy systems – Si(Li) and HPGe detectors
Nuclear Medicine Research: Small Area Gamma Imaging camera
Phantoms of Organs for Nuclear Medical Gamma Imaging
In addition to this, the department has central facilities available at the Central Research Instruments Facility. Kindly see the links below for further details:
- Characterization Facilities
- Materials Physical Properties Measurement Setups
- Synthesis Facilities
- Photonics Optoelectronics and Spectroscopy
Achievements & Participation 2019/20
Dr. Gowrishankar R
Resource person, Workshop on Effective Teaching Approach to Applied/Engineering Physics, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, 5-7 Aug 2019.
External Examiner, Practical Examination for M.Sc. in Electronics and Communications, Dept. of Electronics, Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, 5-6 Dec 2019.
Dr. Murali Ravi
Product Patent filed. CBR Number: 29859 “Small Area Imaging Gamma Camera”
This IP covers all the details of the developed Small field of View Gamma Camera which has the capability to image the organ of interest in Sitting Supine and Lying Supine orientations.
Dr. (Mrs.) Vedavathi Aluri
Completed an online certification course on Udemy, Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Boot-camp.
Attended a workshop on Characterization Techniques, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, 7 Dec 2019.
Attended a virtual Faculty Development Programme on Managing Online Classes and co-creating Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) 2.0, Teaching Learning College, Ramanujan College (University of Delhi), 18 May – 1 Jun 2020.
Prof. S Siva Sankara Sai
Attended the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (IEEE-ANTS-2019), Goa, 16-19 Dec 2019.
Dr. (Miss) Deepa Seetharaman
Attended a workshop on Characterization Techniques, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, 7 Dec 2019.
Attended a hands-on training course on Calibration, maintenance and use of Simultaneous TGA/DSC Analyzer, TA Instruments Division, Bangalore, 17 Feb 2020.
Dr. (Mrs.) C Prathibha
Attended a workshop on Characterization Techniques, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, 7 Dec 2019.
Attended an Elsevier Webinar on Improving Research Planning Skills, Technical Institute, 28 Apr 2020.
Dr. V Sai Muthukumar
Participated in a virtual event on Biophotonics Congress: Biomedical Optics, Optical Society of America, 20-23 April 2020.
Doctoral Research Scholars
Achievements & Participation 2019/20
Miss Anjana Biswas
Attended a workshop on Characterization Techniques, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, 7 Dec 2019.
Miss Susshma N
Course on Gamma Ray Spectroscopy, UGC-DAE CSR, Kolkata Centre, Kolkata, West Bengal, 2-13 December, 2019.
Achievements 2019/20
Organizational Visits
At the end of each academic year, final year graduating students from various departments go on official visits to reputed organizations to get a feel of how what they learn in the classroom is applied in the real world. Students are accompanied by a few faculty members on these trips. During the academic year 2019/20, these included:
M.Sc. in Physics and M.Tech. in Optoelectronics & Communications Students, 10 Feb 2020.
Organizations visited: Geological Survey of India (GSI), Sri Sathya Sai Airport, Puttaparthi
Projects & Dissertations
Listed below are the postgraduate and professional programme projects and dissertations for the academic year 2018/19:
SSSIHL Projects & Dissertations – 2019/20 – M.Sc. in Physics | M.Tech. in Optoelectronics & Communications
National Examinations
A high percentage of SSSIHL postgraduate students qualified in national exams such as the GATE/JEST or the CSIR-UGC NET in 2018/19. The list below includes the national rank for each exam (if available):
Mahendrakar Vaibhav (Physics) – 261
R Sai Santhosh (Physics) – 587
M Venkatesh Prasad Sagar (Physics) – 798
Sai Krishna N (Physics) – 1221
Malhar Anupam Nagar (Physics) – 1361
Josyula Sai Prashanth (Physics) – 1610
Nithishkumar C V (Physics) – 1928
Damagatla Sai Vamshi Krishna (Physics)
Ankush Kumar Gupta (Physics) – 3730
Mahendrakar Vaibhav (Physics) – 11
Research Areas
To access the Research Areas for the department, click here.
Research Publications
The faculty and doctoral research scholars at SSSIHL actively contribute to a wide range of publications in esteemed peer-reviewed journals. A detailed department-wise list of these publications is available on the Research Publications page.
Funded Research Projects
Fabrication of glass- ceramics comprising of semi conducting metal oxide crystallites at different length scales and study their gas sensing characteristics
UGC-BSR Startup – ₹10 Lakhs (2019-2022)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Gadige Paramesh
The glass-ceramics (glasses embedded with nanocrystallites) of semiconducting oxide phases crystallized in glass-matrices will be novel materials that possess unique properties and find various applications as sensors, photocatalysts and for biomedical applications. The semiconducting metal oxide glass-ceramics are not explored fully and has great significance in the current research. In the present project, it is intended to develop glass-ceramics of semiconducting oxide phases such as TiO2, ZnO, CuO or Cu2O, NiO etc. and study their physical as well as gas sensor characteristics.
The project will deliver fabrication of semiconducting oxide glass-ceramic sensors and studying gas sensing characteristics.
Social Relevance: Various gases are widely used in industries, hospitals as well as emitted during mining, drilling or due to chemical wastage dumping. Their detection and control is very important for social safety. Gas sensors serve the purpose and there exists great importance to develop stable gas sensors.
Gamma-Ray and Ion Beam Irradiation Studies on Lead-Free Piezoelectric Ceramics and their Polymer Composites
UGC-DAE-CSR Kolkata – ₹45,000 (2019-2020)
Principal Investigators: Dr. Gadige Paramesh
Lead based ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties were studied with radiation exposure. Recently, lead-free piezoelectric ceramics are in focus due to high toxicity of the lead element. In this prospect, there exist great importance in understanding the properties of lead-free piezoceramic materials under high energy irradiations and evaluating their performances.
Gamma ray and ion beam irradiation studies and investigating the post-irradiation performance of piezoceramics and their polymer composites.
Social Relevance: High energy radiation is emitted in the space has impact on materials used for space applications. Therefore, it needs to be understood, the behavior or performance of the materials used in sensors/devices irradiated with high energy gamma rays/ionic radiation that exist in space.
Understanding the jamming dynamics and nonlinear viscoelasticity of non-equilibrium viscous liquids with non-linear dielectric and rheo-dielectric studies
DST SERB – ₹37.1 Lakhs* (2019-2020) *Project funds going to RRI (not SSSIHL)
Principal Investigators: Prof. Ranjini Bandyopadhyay (Raman Research Institute, Bangalore) and Dr. Gadige Paramesh
Glasses and soft materials are the important class of materials with widespread applications in various fields of technology (Civil, optical, biomedical sectors, etc.). All glass forming liquids exhibit universal slowdown of the dynamics (of its constituents with which it makes up) and an evolution of regions of heterogeneous dynamics as the mysterious glass-transition is approached.
In this project, we use dielectric and rheological studies to understand the origin of the glass transition which is associated with the universal slowdown of the dynamics of glass constituents (atoms, molecules, macromolecules or colloidal particles). This basic understanding will further help to develop new glassy materials for various applications.
Design and Development of nanomaterial based dip sticks and tea bags for instant removal of fluoride from water
Kurita Water and Environment Foundation (KWEF) – ₹2.8 Lakhs (2019-2020)
Principal Investigators: Dr. (Mrs.) C Prathibha
Nanoscience has opened new avenues to many useful and powerful applications in the field of environmental remediation. Nanomaterials offer the possibility of efficient removal of various pollutants like fluorides, nitrates and various toxic ions from drinking water. By developing the hybrid nanoadsorbents, the efficiency of the existing technique, adsorption for contaminant removal can be enhanced. a common problem of using nanomaterials as adsorbents for defluoridation is their removal from aqueous solution, post defluoridation treatment. Development of hybrid nanoadsorbents is a solution to this problem. These nanoadsorbents pave way to transform our work in to technology development.
Developed nanoadsorbents could be directly used as tea bags and dip sticks for instant removal of fluoride from water. They could also be used in development of cost-effective filters for defluoridation of water.
The most significant inorganic pollutant in groundwater affecting human health at the global scale, according to the WHO, is fluoride. Nineteen states of India have been identified as endemic to fluorosis due to excess of fluoride in drinking water. Nanoadsorbents developed in the project can be used to design a simple, affordable and safe fluoride water filters, tea bags and dipsticks, which can be used in the fluoride affected areas of several parts of India and more particularly Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh, which is one of the most affected states.
Experimental Investigations on the level structures of doubly odd Ta isotopes
UGC-DAE CSR Kolkata – ₹6.8 Lakhs (2019-2020)
Principal Investigators: Dr. Gowrishankar R, Dr. (Miss) Deepa Seetharaman and Dr. K Vijay Sai
The Scope of this project is experimental investigations on the level structures of a few Tantalum isotopes like 186Ta, 184Ta and 178Ta. The work is carried out on collaboration mode, wherein the PI can access the experimental facilities like particle accelerators, reactors, Gamma Array detectors, etc. from any of the DAE institutions, such as VECC, BARC, etc.
The analysis of the experimental results would throw light on the low-lying levels of the doubly odd Ta isotopes for which the current data is minimal and inconclusive. The collaborative work will utilise the National facilities set up by Govt of India and establish good relationship between Universities and such central facilities.
Design and Development of Gamma-Florescence Dual Imaging Sentinel Lymph Node Navigation Surgery Intraoperative Probe
DAE-BRNS – ₹94 Lakhs (2018-2021)
Principal Investigators: Prof. S Siva Sankara Sai
Scope: The Dual Imaging Intraoperative probe for imaging the sentinel node is an innovative step towards providing the doctor with ease of access to technology at the operation theatre. The probe consists of two parts. The one which assesses the functionality (metabolism) of the ROI and the other which provides the anatomical details. This equips the surgeon to identify the exact location of the ‘sentinel’ lymph node located amongst 40 other lymph nodes at the axial region. The convenience of the bedside imaging facility allows the surgeon to perform post-operative validation of the surgery to avoid repeated incisions.
- A prototype of portable Dual Modality Intra-Operative probe for Sentinel Node Surgery Navigation.
- Establishing the validity of its use through clinical trials in the operation theatre.
Social Relevance: Presently, nearly 13 million new cancer cases and 7.6 million cancer deaths occur worldwide each year. The availability of a low-cost bedside imaging device will reduce the need for repeated medical interventions by allowing post-operative validation. This will ensure affordability of high-quality technology to patients thus providing better healthcare.
Femtosecond laser Enabled Micro-fabrication of Micro-Total-analysis Optofluidic Systems (FEMTOS)
Department of Science & Technology (DST) – ₹24 Lakhs (2018-2021)
Principal Investigators: Dr. S Venketesh
FLAP-MED: Femtosecond laser Assisted Prototyping Micro Electro-Optofluidic Devices
Department of Science & Technology (DST) – ₹48 Lakhs (2018-2020)
Principal Investigators: Dr. S Venketesh
Design and development of Glass based optofluidic platform by Femtosecond Laser Micromachining
Department of Science & Technology (DST) – ₹46 Lakhs (2020-2022)
Principal Investigators: Dr. S Venketesh
The projects (all three above) aim to realize opto-fluidic lab on chip devices for lost cost settings with applications in disease detection and cell manipulation.
There are two main parts:
- The ‘chip’ design optimization and fabrication
- The chip reader: which is being co-developed by industrial partners
The low-cost technologies will help in resource limited settings.
Research Associates
Dr. Sadhu Sai Pavan Prashanth
Dr. (Mrs.) Bharathi P
Doctoral Research Scholars
Sri Sai Kiran Aditha
Photovoltaic Materials
Supervisor: Prof. K Venkataramaniah
Sri Sumukh Nandan R
Fiber Optic Sensors, Gyroscopes
Supervisors: Dr. Gowrishankar R and Dr. Shailesh Shrivastava
Sri K Raja Simha
Femtosecond Laser Micromachining, Integrated Optics and Lab-on-chip devices
Supervisor: Dr. Shailesh Shrivastava
Sri P Sai Jagannadha Bharadwaj
Materials for Energy and Sensing Applications
Supervisor: Dr. K Vijay Sai
Sri Santosh C R
Ultrafast Fiber Lasers
Supervisors: Dr. R Gowrishankar and Dr. Shailesh Shrivastava
Sri Ranjan Rai
Materials Science
Supervisor: Dr. Muralikrishna Molli
Miss Lavanya Rathi P
Materials Science: Magnetic materials
Supervisor: Dr. (Miss) Deepa Seetharaman
Sri Dhavala Lokeswararao
Electro-ceramic materials for Energy devices
Supervisor: Dr. K Vijay Sai
Miss Anjana Biswas
Materials Science: Development of nanomaterials for sensing and adsorption of contaminants from water
Supervisor: Dr. (Mrs.) C Prathibha
Sri Ashwin S
Computational Material Science and Modelling
Supervisor: Dr. V Sai Muthukumar
Sri Prajal Chettri
Femtosecond Laser Micromachining
Supervisor: Dr. Shailesh Shrivastava
Miss Susshma N
Nuclear Physics
Supervisor: Dr. Gowrishankar R