X-Ray Diffractometer
(PANalytical Multifunctional X’PERT3 XRD)
(PANalytical Multifunctional X’PERT3 XRD)
This equipment is generally employed to obtain structural information at atomic scale of plethora of materials including inorganic, organic and biological in different configurations. Indeed the structural studies can be carried out over a wide range of temperatures (RT to 1600°C).
The X-ray data obtained could be used to obtain electron density and inherent spontaneous polarization of polar materials.
(VSM, EZ9 – Microsense)
Supports all types of magnetic measurements which include magnetic hysteresis and loops, IRM and DCD Remnance Loops, SFD, delta M, delta H and Henkel Plots, as well as Angular and AC Remnance Loops, Temperature scans and Time decay measurements. In essence, it is a tool to quantitatively investigate magnetic properties of a given material. It can be used to study the DC magnetic properties of materials as a function of magnetic field (max. up to 2.2T) and temperature (100K to 800K).