Dr. K Vijay Sai serves as a faculty member in the Department of Physics and holds the position of the AERB authorized Radiation Safety Officer (RSO), designated by SSSIHL. His proficiency in Nuclear Spectroscopy is evident from the peer-reviewed journal articles he has authored. Engaging actively in both research endeavors and the development of course curricula, Dr. Vijay Sai balances these responsibilities alongside his full-time teaching commitments.
Having earned his B.Sc. (Hons.) in Physics from SSSIHL in 2000, he continued his academic journey by obtaining a Master’s in Physics with a specialization in Nuclear Physics in 2002, followed by a Doctorate degree in 2007 from the same institution. Dr. Vijay Sai joined the Department of Physics in 2007.
Dr. K Vijay Sai currently holds the position of Head of the Department of Physics at SSSIHL.
Areas of Teaching
Nuclear Physics, Quantum Mechanics
Research Interests
Lead-free Piezoelectrics, Radiation Shielding materials, Photovoltaic Materials, Nuclear Medicine Imaging
Current Ph.D. Supervision
Current Research Projects
Experimental Investigations on the level structures of doubly odd Ta isotopes
UGC-DAE CSR Kolkata – ₹6.8 Lakhs (2019-2020)