The Department of Education was established in the year 1986, offering a Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.) and Doctoral Research programmes (Ph.D.) for women at the Anantapur Campus. Through integral education, the pupil-teachers under training are exposed to values, enabling them to understand the higher purpose of Education.
Programmes Offered
Psychology Lab
The Psychology lab is well equipped with multiple sets of the following Apparatus & Psychological tests related to Educational Psychology:
Alexander Pass Along Test of Intelligence, Koh’s Block Design Test of Intelligence, Mirror Drawing Apparatus – Metal Star & Printed star, Cup Ball Instrument, Concept formation Cards, Thematic apperception test, Imagery Test, 16 PF personality Test, Intelligence test, Anxiety test, Aptitude test, Interest Inventories L.T.M. and S.T.M., Memory Socio-Economic Status, Value Orientation Scale, Study of Values, Eight Value test, Personal value Questionnaire, Teacher’s Value Inventory, Value Test, Moral Judgment Test, Teacher effectiveness scale, Self-esteem test
Technology Lab
The lab is well equipped with the hardware and software required for ICT literacy:
Interactive White Boards, PC-on-sticks, Handy cam, Digital Camera, Scanjet Printers, Philips 2.1 Multimedia speaker system, 1 TB Seagate Back Up, Television, Video Recording system, 16mm Film Projector, 16mm Films, 35mm slide cum Film Strip projector, Over Head Projector (OHP) with screen, Audio Aids: Tape Recorder, Still Camera Set, Educational Film Cassettes, Computers (Desktops & Laptop), Educational C.D’s, Educational Videos
Science Lab
The Science laboratory is well equipped with multiple sets of apparatus, charts, models, glassware items and teaching aids to perform and demonstrate experiments related to school Curriculum.
The department also has a separate departmental Library equipped with texts, reference books, educational encyclopedias and journals on teacher education.
Achievements & Participation 2019/20
Prof. (Miss) Madhu Kapani
Conferred a Life-Time Achievement Award in the field of Education and Teacher Education by The Indian Association of Teacher Educators (IATE), IATE National Seminar, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, 27-28 Jan 2020
Resource person and Invited talk on Social Inclusion, Sustainable Development and Empowerment, The Indian Association of Teacher Educators (IATE), IATE National Seminar, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, 27-28 Jan 2020
Dr. (Mrs.) P Lavanya
Attended a workshop on Modern Methods for Teaching-Learning Practices, Krishna University, Machilipatnam, Andhra Pradesh, 12-13 May 2020.
Attended a virtual Faculty Development Programme on Managing Online Classes and co-creating Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) 2.0, Teaching Learning College, Ramanujan College (University of Delhi), 18 May – 1 Jun 2020.
Mrs. B Saisoujanya Kumari
Attended an online workshop on Research Methodology in Social Sciences, Vasanta College for Women, Varanasi, 17-23 May 2020.
Mrs. P Padmambika
Participated in a webinar on Digital Transformation, Poornima Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajasthan, 29 May 2020.
Achievements 2019/20
National Examinations
A high percentage of SSSIHL postgraduate students qualified in national exams such as the GATE/JEST or the CSIR-UGC NET in 2019/20. The list below includes the national rank for each exam (if available):
Malepati Sudheshna (Education)
Petla Kalyani (Education)
Research Areas
To access the Research Areas for the department, click here.
Research Publications
The faculty and doctoral research scholars at SSSIHL actively contribute to a wide range of publications in esteemed peer-reviewed journals. A detailed department-wise list of these publications is available on the Research Publications page.
Doctoral Research Scholars
Miss Supriya C P
Pedagogical approaches to Peace Education at Secondary School Level
Supervisor: Prof. (Miss) Madhu Kapani